Health Psychology Centre

Danie A. Beaulieu

Ph.D. Student Clinical Psychology

Beaulieu, D. A., Proctor, C. J., Gaudet, D. J., Canales, D., & Best, L. A. (2022). What is the mindful personality? Implications for

physical and psychological health. Acta Psychologica, 224, Article 103514.

Beaulieu, D. A. (2022). From one end of the scale to the other: The relative influence of shared and distinct factors in disordered

eating and weight status [Master’s thesis, The University of New Brunswick]. UNB Scholar’s Theses and Dissertations.

Beaulieu, D. A., Hickey, P., Proctor, C. J., Reiman, A. J., & Best L. A. (2021). The benefits of connections to people and activities:

Improving wellness of cancer survivors. In C. Pracana (Ed). Psychology Applications & Developments. inScience Press

Proctor, C. J., Beaulieu, D. A., Reiman, A., J., & Best, L. A. (2021). Living well after cancer: The impact of social support and

productive leisure. In C. Pracana & M. Wang (Eds). Psychological Applications and Trends. inScience Press. ISBN: 978-989-54815-5

Beaulieu, D. A. (2019). L’échelle de résilience face à la douleur : Adaptation canadienne française de la « Pain Resilience Scale »

[Unpublished undergraduate thesis]. Université de Moncton

REfereed publications


Beaulieu, D. A., Proctor, C. J., Reiman, A., & Best, L. A. (2021, December 3). What about sex? Predictors of romantic loneliness in

female cancer survivors [Symposium]. The Graduate Research Symposium

Beaulieu, D. A., Hickey, P. M., Proctor, C. J., & Best, L. A. (2021). Staying healthy throughout COVID-19: Health-related quality of life

across a timeline [Abstract submitted]. Canadian Psychological Association’s 2022 National Annual Convention

Beaulieu, D. A., Hickey, P. M., Veljanovska, M., Dickinson, J., & Best, L. A. (2021, November 18). Food and substance addiction during

COVID-19: Examining problematic alcohol and drug use across weight categories in adult men and women [Poster presentation]. New Brunswick Health Research Foundation Health Research Week

Proctor, C. J., Beaulieu, D. A., & Best, L. A. (2021, November 18). What about sex? Predictors of romantic loneliness in female cancer

survivors [Poster presentation]. New Brunswick Health Research Foundation Health Research Week

Lynch, E., Beaulieu, D. A., Doucet, S., Luke, A., Easley, J., McIntosh Lawrence, S., & Schwarz, C. (2021, August 18). A needs

assessment of community resources and services for people with cancer and their families in New Brunswick [Poster presentation]. University of New Brunswick Health Research Conference

Lynch, E., Beaulieu, D. A., Doucet, S., Luke, A., Easley, J., McIntosh Lawrence, S., & Schwarz, C. (2021, August 10–11). Assessment of

community resources and services for people with cancer and their families in New Brunswick: An environmental scan [Poster presentation]. Collaborative Health Research Conference

Proctor, C. J., Beaulieu, D. A., Reiman, A. J., & Best, L. A. (2021, July). Get on with it!: Psychological flexibility improves life after

cancer [Paper presentation]. 32nd International Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic

Lamont, A., Hickey, P., Beaulieu, D. A., Speed, D., & Best, L. A. (2021, June 22). Food insecurity, mental healthcare service use, and

medical healthcare: The role of depression [Poster presentation]. Canadian Psychological Association’s 2021 National Annual Convention

Harper, C., Proctor, C. J., Beaulieu, D. A., Roach, S. P., Wilbiks, J. M. P., & Best, L. A. (2021, June 16). A prolonged pandemic:

Personality, psychological distress, public policy perceptions and adherence [Poster presentation]. Canadian Psychological Association’s 2021 National Annual Convention

Beaulieu, D. A., Lamont, A., Speed, D., & Best, L. A. (2021, June 11). Perceived physical and psychological health factors leading to

unhealthy weight in Canadian men and women [Poster presentation]. Canadian Psychological Association’s 2021 National Annual Convention

Proctor, C. J., Beaulieu, D. A., Law, M., Roach, S. P., Wilbiks, J. M. P., & Best, L. A. (2021, June 8). Physical and psychological impact of

COVID-19 restrictions on university students [Poster presentation]. Canadian Psychological Association’s 2021 National Annual Convention

Proctor, C. J., Beaulieu, D. A., Reiman, A., J., & Best, L. A. (2021, April 23). Living well after cancer: The impact of social support and

productive leisure [Paper presentation]. 2021 International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (InPACT)

Beaulieu, D. A., Proctor, C. J., Reiman, A., & Best, L. A. (2020, November 20). A cancer diagnosis has longterm detrimental effects on

health [Paper presentation]. New Brunswick Health Research Foundation Health Research Week. research-week

Beaulieu, D. A., Proctor, C. J., Reiman, A., & Best, L. A. (2020, November 13). A cancer diagnosis has longterm detrimental effects on

health [Symposium]. Psychology Colloquium: Graduate Student Research Symposium. Colloquium--Graduate-Student-Research-Symposium-FR-and-SJ.php

Beaulieu, D. A., & Best, L. A. (2020, June 3). Personality and mindfulness predicting physical and psychological health outcomes

[Paper presentation]. Collaborative Health Research Week.

Master of Arts - Experimental Psychology

University of New Brunswick

2019/09 - 2022/05

Bachelor of Arts - Honours in Psychology

Université de Moncton

2015/09 - 2019/05



Research Assistant

2022/02 - Present

Memorial University of Newfoundland

Project evaluating the impact of implementing a stepped care 2.0 model of mental healthcare within the provinces of NB, NL, and PEI.

Research Assistant

2020/12 - Present

University of New Brunswick

Intergenerational project aiming to improve psychological wellness and social connectedness in seniors of low-income neighborhoods in Saint John.

Teaching Assistant

2019/09 - Present

University of New Brunswick

Presenting tutorials, offering student consultations, as well as invigilating, marking, and compiling student assessment results for several undergraduate psychology courses.

Guest Lecturer


University of New Brunswick

History of Psychology course lecture on the contributions of important philosophers in the advancement of the field of psychology.

Research Assistant

2021/05 - 2021/08

Centre for Research in Integrated Care

Project providing a needs assessment of community resources and services for people with cancer and their caregivers in NB.

Residential Care Worker


John Howard Society

Supervising and supporting youths and adults with complex trauma and psychopathological issues


New Brunswick Innovation Foundation STEM and Social Innovation Award


Merit-based award based on research potential

MindCare Education Scholarship


Merit-based award to help further post-graduate education

Canadian Council of Department of Psychology Teaching Assistant Award


Nominated by Psychology faculty members for outstanding work

2nd Place - NBHRF Poster Competition Master's Category


Award determined by the audience