Health Psychology Centre

UNB best lab

Dr. Lisa Best


Lisa's research focuses on how psychosocial factors affect wellness. On the rare occasion that she is not busy, Lisa loves conferences (especially abroad).

Our mission is to provide strategies for improving both psychological and physical outcomes after disease or injury. 

Cecile Proctor


Cecile's research focuses on modifiable factors that increase wellness in individuals living with cancer and traumatic brain injury. Cecile is the go-to person in the lab for sound advice.

Derek Gaudet


Derek's research focuses on non-verbal behaviours, lie detection, and emotion recognition. Derek has a second-degree black belt in Aikido.

Rory McPhee


Rory's research focuses on ideological prejudice among religious fundamentalists and atheists. Rory makes great coffee!

Danie Beaulieu


Danie's research focuses on the experiences of individuals living with cancer, disordered eating, and unhealthy weight membership. Danie has a cat named Freddie Mercury.